Why your self-concept is actually as "real" as a cartoon flying elephant
(No, really)
Ascending Vibrations
1/25/20252 min read
It’s really interesting when we begin to unravel our behaviors, traits, and beliefs.
Because when we’ve been at the spiritual game for a while (and yes, I do think of it as a game), we start to realize that many of the negative beliefs causing our behaviors are actually imaginary.
For example, imagine you have the belief that you have no self-worth and, therefore, find yourself being taken advantage of throughout your life.
But then, imagine replacing this obsolete belief with something new and opposite that does actually have truth to it.
A belief such as “I have Inherent worth that is unconditional, I deserve to be on this planet, and I serve a divine purpose” (which is a universal and divine truth, by the way).
After some time, you will notice that the prior negative belief was actually just that: a belief with no real actual tangibility or solid footing to stand on.
In short, it’s not built from anything solid, just imaginary ideas.
Abraham-Hicks calls beliefs “Thoughts that you keep thinking.”
And they are just that.
If you take a negative belief or thought that’s holding you back from a life that feels good and start to look at the contents under a microscope, you will probably realize that the beliefs hold no inherent weight or truth; they are probably rooted in something you picked up in your youth from someone else.
And so it stands to reason that these negative beliefs are just as fictitious as Alice in Wonderland or Dumbo.
(I’m not joking; fiction is fiction.)
And this realization is quite a huge positive dam-breaker for many folks on a quest for truth, flooding their perceptions with much more clarity than before.
So remember, when you are getting in a negative spiral of low self-worth, scarcity, self-sabotaging, etc., the beliefs acting as the catalyst for these feelings are about as legitimate as a cartoon flying elephant.
(But at least one of those is fun.)
And so, when we see past the lies of past negative beliefs, we can replace them with new ones that feel better and are, therefore, closer to the vibration of source and our higher selves.
And these higher-vibratory embodiments of truth can help us restructure a self-concept that’s more rooted in truth, love, compassion, and joy.
(Unless we are lucky enough to boycott "self-concepts" altogether.)
Because, of course, we will all probably have somewhat of an ego for as long as we are in these human bodies.
May as well have as much of your higher-self coming through as possible instead of antiquated negative belief patterns that actually never had anything to do with you in the first place.
Love and light
The Ascending Vibrations team