Where is this information coming from?!
Are you a conduit for greater intelligence?
Ascending Vibrations
12/5/20242 min read
Channeling has become more and more well-known and prevalent in the modern day, but there was a time in the recent past when channelers would be run out of town!
(For those of you unfamiliar, channeling is when a person has a non-physical intelligence or energy speak through them, perhaps an Ascended master, Archangel, or their higher self, for example. Channelers may go into a trance, known as trance channeling, go unconscious, or seem completely normal as though nothing has happened. You can see tons of videos of channelers on YouTube. My favorite is Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka.)
However, many of the world’s greatest channelers say that we are all always channeling in some form or another.
And when you think about it, it’s so true.
Musicians are channeling when writing a new song.
Where are they pulling this musical information from? Thin air?
(Well, you could say that.)
The same goes for painters, screenwriters, game developers, and just about every type of artist where one has to get in the “zone.”
And when you see some non-channeling spiritual teachers speak at events, it almost looks as though they are channeling, even if they wouldn’t say they were doing so.
But the thing is because our consciousnesses are all interweaved and connected, all of us have access to channeling so much information that we would be blown away by.
I repeat we ALL have the ability to channel.
Perhaps you might seek information on how to heal an emotional issue or what the right step to take is in life.
The truth is, this information is accessible as you connect with your higher self and allow higher vibrational energies in by raising your own vibration.
(Meditation is a great way to do this.)
And the higher our vibration goes, the greater the love and light we can be a conduit of.
To get started, many great channels (such as Lee Harris) recommend using your non-dominant hand, clearing your mind, and just writing on a piece of paper to see what wants to be expressed through you.
Your own way of channeling will develop and grow from there should you choose to continue practicing!
Just like a musician might have their own process of creating music that is totally unique.
Who knows, perhaps you will develop an incredible back-and-forth with your higher self, the one who Bashar (an intelligence channeled by the great Darryl Anka) calls “the one with the bigger picture.”
Did you know that the famous movie “The Secret” was heavily inspired by the teachings of Abraham, an intelligence channeled by Jerry and Esther Hicks?
Remember, the idea is to get your vibration right first, and then you will be in alignment for higher vibrational intelligence.
The Ascending Vibrations team