Try this, it’s super unhelpful! 👍

Are you exhibiting this super unhelpful behavior?

Ascending Vibrations

1/14/20252 min read

Pushing others away
Pushing others away

Throughout our lives, we subconsciously pick up a myriad of different methods, strategies, and behaviors that try to keep us safe, usually emotionally.

And these behaviors could be thought of as survival programs.

And the truth is, humankind probably wouldn’t have survived as long as we have without SOME survival mechanisms in place.

However, many survival systems are simply not helpful at all for our current way of life, even if they think they are doing us good.

In fact, some of them are completely self-sabotaging.

Here is an example:

Perhaps you know someone who destroys every relationship they are in because of their jealousy.

The jealousy thinks it’s keeping the individual safe because it pushes others away before they get too close, but really, it’s robbing the sufferer of the potential for any true belonging and intimacy.

Perhaps it’s you who suffers from such protection systems and this is all sounding wildly familiar.

You see, self-sabotaging behavior doesn’t exist just to mess things up in and of itself - it serves a purpose!

(At least it thinks it does.)

And when we practice sitting and watching the triggers of our self sabotaging behaviors in silent presence long enough, we will be enlightened by the root causes of the issues.

(Sitting in silence and watching the triggers shines a light straight on what’s been hidden within.)

For example, if we sit and watch as a mindful observer and simply allow ourselves to feel the type of aforementioned emotions and triggers instead of giving into to the knee-jerk reaction to push someone away when they get close, we feel vulnerable, and we get triggered over a jealous thought, then we may just have a memory from the past come to light.

There may even be specific memories surfacing that could do with a flooding of unconditional love–the kind of love that perhaps you never received and, therefore, caused the self-sabotaging behavior to begin with.

And perhaps, in this instance, we will realize that our behavior comes from feeling invisible, unwanted, and unappreciated growing up, for example.

And so, over time, you make the empowering choice to give yourself what you truly need–understanding, a listening ear, and unconditional belonging.

And piece by piece, with practice, you can free up parts of yourself that have been held captive by old, obsolete belief systems that perhaps kept you safe once upon a time but are now actually hurting you.

You then rinse and repeat with each old, worn-out belief system, habit, and lie you’ve been told over the years.

And each old habitual survival system will be removed like rocks weighing down an air balloon.

Until eventually, the air balloon transcends it all and sees the bigger picturefrom a bird’s-eye view.

What survival systems are in place within you that need some weight removed from them so that you can transcend?

(There’s a reason meditation is so celebrated.)

Just a reminder to keep working on yourself!

Love and light,

The Ascending Vibrations team