The Chakras That No One is Talking About

🔮⚡Alert: Everyone is Ignoring How Easy (and Important) This is

Ascending Vibrations

7/17/20242 min read

Lesser-known chakras
Lesser-known chakras

There are more than the seven main chakra centers to focus on!

There are endless amounts of symptoms and ailments out there that people suffer from, emotional and physical.

And many open minded individuals in spiritual circles usually go right for the heart chakra when they are experiencing heartbreak, the throat chakra when they have a sore throat, the root chakra when they have safety issues, and so on.

And there is nothing wrong with this, in fact, it's really good practice.

However, many individuals do themselves a disservice by not looking at other, lesser-known chakras that they can unblock and therefore, send more energy to their more "famous" chakras, shall we say.

Everything is connected!

For example, did you know that there are shoulder blade and hip chakras, or that there are inner ear chakras that, when unblocked, have been reported to help all kinds of issues.

Or that there are chakras in your feet, and unblocking them could have a chain reaction in straightening your pelvis and, therefore, would have a positive chain reaction up your entire spine?

The positive possibilities are endless!

I really recommend that you look at some of the lesser-known chakras and put your conscious attention on whatever feels blocked.

(It might even feel blocked in your hands, shoulders, tailbone, etc.–places that lots of spiritual chakra videos don't often talk about!)

To do this, put your focused attention on a blocked area of your body–this will be your targeted point, and then simultaneously place your focus on the area of empty space in a sphere around the targeted blockage point.

You may find that unblocking these overlooked areas/chakras might cause you a world of good.

These lesser-known chakras are just as important as the more "famous chakras" as everything is connected.

A good place to start would be with a sound bath/singing bowl video online that goes through all of these lesser-known chakras.

It might be good practice to pay attention to what chakra is resonating at what time during the video, write it down or make a note of it, and really get to work unblocking it.

For example, you might notice huge relief when it comes to your sinus chakra, and this would lead you to understand that you could have energetic blockages in your head area and so on.

Use your intuition to guide you.

Happy overlooked chakra unblocking, and may your body be supercharged with magnificent energy flow!

Love and light,

Angela and the Ascending Vibrations Team