It’s time to grow up
(And stop playing make-believe)
Ascending Vibrations
1/25/20252 min read
If a young musician decides they want to become a country star, the inherent "country twang" will probably start to come out in their voice and music (even if they are from a totally different part of the world than this musical genres' origins!)
If they decide to become a rapper, then they will probably start to adopt a "street" accent and lingo.
(Don't ask me to keep up with the latest hip-hop slang- I would be hopeless.)
Their outfits will likely also change to match their new persona.
(And there are few things out there as intoxicating as music that would inspire someone to adopt a whole new personality to align with someone else's frequency they look up to–a musical hero, for example.)
This kind of human behavior isn't just exclusive to music, either.
If someone is inspired by an intellectual they saw on YouTube, they may start wearing suits more often and grow their vocabulary so that they sound very clever when they speak.
This mirroring is also prevalent in the spiritual community.
You might see someone who is inspired by spiritual teachers or a teaching and they go and get Chakras or a Dharma wheel tattooed across their forearm.
(Not knocking this; they look pretty cool! In fact, I might do this myself!)
But the point I'm trying to make is, we can all probably think of people we know who altar their image, personality, behavior, accent, etc, in order to craft an entire (fictitious) persona around some kind of inspiration or way they want to carry themselves or appear to the world.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking self-expression!
Self-expression is an incredible part of the human experience and creates wonderful variety and creativity in the world!
But when we are tending to our spirituality, it is important not to get too caught up in whatever persona we seem to be presenting at a given time.
Because ultimately, these personas are completely make-believe.
And we are all playing fancy dress.
And we usually play fancy dress because we want to fit in with a community of a similar vibration and frequency to us.
Because, really, we want to be loved.
Because we may not have found that unconditional love for ourselves yet.
And so, we search for it within genres and communities of other people.
And humanity seems to be like one big make-believe fancy dress party with many pantomime characters that we often forget are actually a total and utter fiction.
From the suit-wearing politician to the budding musician rapper donning a backward cap and gold chain-we are all playing make-believe in a fancy dress world.
We think we grow out of dressing up and pretending to be a superhero, pirate, or astronaut, but few of us ever actually do.
We just take on less fantastical characters that are seemingly appropriate for our society, but yet, just as fictitious.
What is behind these personas we present?
What is there before the pantomime character thinks they're real?
And if the pantomime character is not real, then what is?
That is the question to ask.
Love and light
The Ascending Vibration team