"I wish this didn't happen"

("How am I going to turn this around?")

Ascending Vibrations

11/6/20242 min read

Transcending Challenges in Life
Transcending Challenges in Life

In my opinion, the main thing that cuts most people off from growth is never truly realizing and believing the very real fact that our challenges are actually the catalyst for spiritual expansion and experiencing a relationship with our higher selves.

Let me give you an example:

Hypothetically, imagine someone complaining, getting angry, and exhibiting self-pity when met with a common life challenge, such as an argument in a relationship, a grown son who won’t get a job and move out, or an ex-bandmate stealing their song lyrics, or perhaps their business partner signed a contract without them.

(Insert life challenge here.)

And this individual spends hours of their day complaining and making sure everyone in their vicinity knows about all of their horrible problems, and they act as though the sky is falling down.

Now imagine the opposite example- someone who experiences their partner leaving them or losing their entire stock portfolio (again, insert life challenge here), and they simply say, “Where is this experience leading me? What am I to glean from this challenge?”

They deliberately look at why they have manifested their physical reality’s circumstances and use whatever challenge that presents itself as an opportunity to see not only how they are vibrating (in lack, separation, scarcity, etc.) but also ask where the universe is taking them and by what means it is using in attempts to wake them up from the illusions of the egoic mind.

When we view the world from the perspective of consciousness existing before all else and our physical reality falling into place after the fact (consciousness creates matter, not the other way round), then we turn our physical existence on its head and are able to see how we can change our consciousness (beliefs, programs, and mindsets) into a higher vibration with belief systems that work more in our favor and not against us.

We then realize that our vibration is what creates the physical reality that we manifest, and we have far more control over this than we ever previously thought possible; then life starts to get really fun.

So if we get drawn into the old, worn-out illusion that life is happening to us and get into the “woe is me” mentality, we simply just create more of the same and don’t do ourselves any favors.

But on the other hand, if we ask ourselves the aforementioned questions (where is this leading me? What can I learn?), we can see that our challenges may be leading us to exactly where we need to go.

For example, the loss of someone’s stock portfolio could lead them to a dream vocation where they discover ways to replace their income in ways faster than they could have ever previously imagined, and more freedom, joy, and creativity are manifested.

Or perhaps the loss of a relationship could lead them to realize that they are actually far happier living in an entirely different place and discover something about themselves that they were previously unaware of.

If I hadn’t had my body shut down on me all those years ago, then I never would have discovered the magic of energy healing, meditation, and so much more.

There is always gold in the challenge, so long as you look at things from this perspective.

Trust the universe because it knows exactly what you need, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Love and light,

Angela and the Ascending Vibrations team