😲 If People Knew This, the World Would be Very Different

(Very, very different...)

Ascending Vibrations

8/23/20242 min read

Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki Energy Healing

The fact that so many people either don't believe that the body can be repaired, healed, and aligned with energy (generated by breathing techniques, etc) or simply don't know that these techniques exist seems absolutely wild to me.

Because with just a little bit of effort and knowing what to do, anyone can start to generate energy in their bodies and hands.

And with a little focus and intention, that energy can be used to treat yourself or other people.

If everyone took the time to really try this, then the world would be a very, very different place because it's not hard to do at all.

It's WAY easier than learning an instrument, reading a book, or doing math.

It's the most natural thing in the world because we are all preset with this ability.

The positive benefits are endless.

For example, did you know that running energy through your body via focus, intention, and breathing can help bones naturally align back into place?

Your body already knows where everything goes!

(When your skeleton starts to align, countless other systems in your body are also helped and empowered at the same time.)

Celebrated energy healer Richard Gordon calls this "running the energy" and utilizes many techniques to create a flow of energy through the body in order to be channeled into the hands and then to a recipient or even oneself.

The cool thing about his "Quantum Touch" technique is that if you run energy into someone's body, say, their lower back, then the energy will actually overflow and head into other areas of the body that need it, like the neck, etc.

Again, the body knows exactly what needs the energy and where to send it!

As someone who has suffered from a misaligned pelvis, twisted spine, uneven jaw, foot-dragging, and a very "interesting" posture, I can personally attest to Gordon's "Quantum Touch" technique being incredibly powerful in aligning my bone structure, relaxing muscles, and even affecting my eyesight positively!

In fact, I would be so bold as to say that this was far more effective than any other treatment I have tried.

And so I would recommend you, the reader, if you haven't already, to seriously and open-mindedly start educating yourself about energy healing, and in particular, Richard Gordon's "Quantum Touch" technique.

(He has a book titled 'Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal,' which is just fantastic.)

If you try this with an open mind and practice the techniques, I am certain you will not only be incredibly surprised at how effective it is, but you will also have gained an empowering technique that you can take with you for life.

Although I don't want to give away all of Richard's energy healing techniques here, I will give a hint: They involve breathing, focus, intention, and moving energy, and they are so easy to learn that anyone can start running energy in minutes!

Happy energy running!

Love and light,

the Ascending Vibrations team