⚡🤲💧 How to charge water with intention
(In 4 ridiculously easy steps)
Ascending Vibrations
9/15/20242 min read

Many of us in the spiritual community interested in bettering ourselves, relinquishing the negative ego, and aligning with our higher selves have dived deep into the teachings of countless spiritual guides.
I'm no different, and one thing that I found myself encountering over and over again was the concept of “charging” water with energy and intention.
It just kept coming up over and over again, so I decided to try it for myself (more on this later).
Many individuals in scientific communities seem to mock the idea of anything that can’t be measured or quantified using equipment, math, physics, or logic, and this usually means that energy healing and intention techniques such as what I am about to describe are not only considered impossible but laughed out of the room.
(Not by everyone, I might add! More and more people are becoming more and more open-minded every day!)
The same goes for the concept of chakras and even consciousness itself.
However, there is one gigantic element that people seem to be missing.
The kind of energy emitted from energy healing known as Chi, Prana, ki, Life-force, etc., our chakras, and the intention carried within our consciousness cannot be picked up on physical devices and measured physically because IT IS NOT PHYSICAL.
It’s like trying to measure your love for your pet or your excitement to see an old friend.
These are not physical things but belong in the realm of invisibility beyond measuring apparatus’ capabilities (at least for now).
So, back to the experiment…
So, as I was saying, the concept of charging water kept coming up over and over from several different teachers.
One said to charge the water with self-love before drinking, and one encouraged the reader to charge the water with the intent to heal.
So, I decided to start charging my morning lemon water for 3 minutes with the intention of calming my nervous system, aligning my posture, and allowing energy to move through any blockages, emotional or otherwise, that may be keeping me stuck.
Does it work?
Well, even if I told you it did, it would be pointless if you just took my word for it.
Because there is no substitute for your own experience when it comes to the way you perceive the world.
And just like today’s equipment is incapable of measuring spiritual energy, anything less than your own empiricism when it comes to these kinds of experiments falls way too short.
Try it for yourself and set whatever intention you would like for yourself, be it self-love, healing, or something else.
Here’s how I do it:
1: Hold your glass of water in both hands and set your intention for what you want (healing, to clear a fear or anxiety, to align your posture, to charge yourself with self-love, etc.)
2: Breathe in from your feet to the top of your head and imagine a swirling vortex of energy rushing up your body.
3: Breathe out this energy through your hands, imagining this energy carrying your intention into the water.
4: Repeat for a few minutes and then enjoy.
That’s it.
Love and light,
Angela and the Ascending Vibrations team